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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

This one goes out to a special friend that I feel like I have known my whole life.  The "drift" was totally, one-hundred percent my fault.  As I said in previous posts, there was a time in my life that it was all about me and what I wanted and nothing else mattered.  I am glad I grew up and learned that these "special" friends are hard to come by, and I am so grateful that we have reconnected.

I met her right before we embarked on our freshman year - we were both in the marching band - I was attempting to play clarinet and she in the color guard.  To this day, I still remember her smile and big brown eyes....they were so inviting.  It was in between practice and everyone was socializing, except me.  This was not my best year, I was chunky, quiet and pretty reserved.  This person invited me over to sit down with her and her friends and the rest is history.  In fact, I don't have a single memory from high school that doesn't have her in it.  Together we experienced everything from fashion faux-pas to boyfriends, dances and competitions, hurricanes that left us with no electricity, getting our drivers licenses, getting our first jobs, even karaoke. 

After high school, she moved to Atlanta with some jerk who I won't give the pleasure of mentioning his name, and I went on to my partying, wild and free days and we started not talking as much.  She dropped the loser and met a wonderful man whom she married (I was there for her wedding - with the grace of God, she did invite me) and now has two beautiful babies with - I was still doing my partying days, starting college, leaving college, starting college again. I moved to KY in 2003, received my degree and decided I was ready to return home, but in all actuality, I wasn't.  In 2010, I moved back to KY and I am happy to say that life has taken a turning point for me now....I feel deserving of a wonderful life now -  the kind of life that my BFF has to this very day.  You see, Rebecca Netzel has never given up on me.  Even when we weren't speaking, I always heard her in my mind saying "what are you doing now???"  She is not just a friend, I consider her family....and I hope that we will continue to remain friends for years and years.  I love you Bex - I am so proud of the woman and mother that you are and I am so blessed to call you my friend.

Until next time, stay blessed and be safe     



  1. Was I your mother during that "reserved" quiet period you mention? I don't recall you ever being "reserved" in those years. But I am glad Becky is such a wonderful friend. Everyone needs a true friend in thier life.

  2. Yes you were; however, kids do act differently at home in front of mom then they do in front of the rest of the world...I think Bex would agree that I was sitting all by myself and really didn't start coming out of my "shell" until later that year....then it was all trouble :)
